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We Lead to a Better Future

Empower consumer choice and reveal the true virtue of green electricity

Making sustainable choices for your electricity consumption


Achieving 100% RE in Asia:
Key Takeaways and Live Q&A Sessions

After a series of workshops, this session will feature in-depth Q&A and key takeaways! Explore the latest market trends, case studies, and the solutions in achieving RE100 goals of 100% renewable energy. Join expert-led discussions and live Q&A sessions to gain valuable insights and connect with industry leaders as we lead to a better future. 

Mt. Stonegate is dedicated to providing a one-stop solution to source green electricity and carbon credits globally.


We are well-positioned in Asia, offer domestic and abroad advisory services, and commit to providing the most comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs.


We observe ever-changing global power market trends so that when you adopt a more sustainable solution, we make that sustainable. 

We continue to work with market regulators and NGOs as active participants in the power market in Asia and are involved in cross-border committees to take action against climate change.

First I-REC Trader in Asia.

In 2015, we issued the first certificate under I-REC Standard to make possible the consumption of clean energy in markets without their own energy attribute tracking system. 

We Take a Stand.

"Together,  we can fulfill your goals"

Mt. Stonegate Green Asset Management
Mt. Stonegate Mountain

Multinational Solutions

From self-owned projects to partnering with project owners, we will source dedicated solutions to your locations all around the world.

Tailor-made Solutions

Our team tailors solutions to your needs and goals at a competitive pricing.

One-stop Service

From GHG examination and renewable energy sourcing to green asset management, we have developed a top-down service menu to meet your needs.

Market Expertise

We offer you suitable solutions based on our near to long-term insights on the market and provide you with follow-ups on key market updates.


Wind Turbines in Central Taiwan

Being one of the early providers based in Asia, Mt. Stonegate provides multiple renewable energy solutions tailored to your needs.

Renewable Energy Solutions

Site Visit

As an active carbon trader, we offer customized carbon credits development on your carbon reduction projects.

Carbon Asset


Speaker on Seminar/Workshop

Being one of the early providers based in Asia, Mt. Stonegate provides multiple renewable energy solutions tailored to your needs.

Strategic Sustainability Consultancy

From APAC to the world.

"With years of experience in the Asia-Pacific region, we partnered with project owners, off-takers, and businesses around the globe to offer competitive solutions and make multinational procurement of renewable energy and carbon credits."

Mt. Stonegate


Taichung (HQ)

8F-1, No.925, Sec. 4, Taiwan Blvd., Xitun Dist, Taichung City 407205, Taiwan

Tel: +886 4 2358 5129


6F-632, T6 Crystal Plaza, Jiangyao Rd., Pudong Dist., Shanghai 200126, P.R. China

Tel: +86 21 6259 8238


15F, Agung Sedayu Group Tower, Jl. Pantai Indah Kapuk Blvd. No.1, North Jakarta 14470, Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 5088 6375


2nd Yamauchi Building,

3-23-12 Nishi-shimbashi Minato-ku,

Tokyo 105-0003 Japan

Tel: +81 3 5777 5283


6F, Regus Business Centre, 10/11 Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore, Chennai 600004, India

Tel: +91 44 6932 1204

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